Wednesday 26 September 2012

And so it begins...

I've jumped on the bandwagon and started a blog. Hmm maybe that isn't the most positive way to start your first entry and its not entirely true.

I am an avid blog reader, to me they're better than magazines (which tbh I am also an avid reader of). For a start you don't have to flick through some fashion spreads to which the only logical response is "what the hoop, are you on glue?". But with blogs, you know within a couple of entries what the tone of voice is, whether that blog is for you not, whether that writer chimes with you or not.

And whilst I know there's not one blog that meets or fits all your interests, lately I've been feeling I'm missing a blog. One that speaks to me about what my life is like now. I've recently undergone a major life change. I've walked away from a well paid job, because the whisper of "is this it" was turning into a shout. I wanted to burn all my bridges and see what I could build out of the smouldering ruins.

I'm aware that this sounds a bit ponderous and that's not me. I like fashion and design, trashy TV, foreign films and laughing, I like to laugh a lot.

So anyway I'm on the bandwagon, I've burnt the bridge, lets see where this journey takes me. Fingers crossed I don't end up a life coach!